Reflecting on my experiences with Conversational UX Avatar

Reflecting on the IFN623 Human Information Interaction Retrieval course during my time in Queensland University of Technology, it was a 13-week educational journey that significantly enhanced my UX career skills, particularly in chatbot design. Initially interested in how to manage and interact with data, I discovered the course was much more, particularly focusing on user experience aspects critical for creating effective chatbots.

The course began with theoretical foundations in human cognitive interaction. In the first week, we covered the evolution of cognition theories from Aristotle to modern interpretations involving technologies like neural links. This session also delved into how major platforms manipulate information, influencing user perceptions—a critical consideration for UX and information design.

The second week’s focus was on practical applications of chatbots using Amazon Web Services – Lex, exploring its integration capabilities with platforms like Slack and Facebook. The following week highlighted the dual nature of chatbots in potentially replacing human jobs while offering around-the-clock support to users. The introduction to the three major principles of chatbot design—Human Sensitivity, Information Fluency, and Agent Credibility—was enlightening but also underscored a need for more detailed resources to fully grasp these concepts.

The subsequent weeks were dedicated to applying these principles in the design and management of chatbots. This included setting up Slack integration with AWS Lex, which, despite being a tedious process, was illuminative, allowing hands-on experience with chatbot responsiveness and error prevention mechanisms.

By narrowing the scope to designing a library-related chatbot, I confronted and overcame significant design challenges. This focused approach allowed for deeper exploration into specific user interactions such as book borrowings, room bookings, and inquiries about library hours, sharpening my problem-solving and design skills.

Theory-Informed Design Principles:

1. Cognitive and Technical Interaction: Before designing the chatbot, we incorporated theories of cognitive and technical interactions. This involved creating a shared area of interest between users and the chatbot through language, message comprehension, and interaction tone. This approach was aimed at maintaining user attention and engagement.

2. Design Principles Addressed:

Human Sensitivity: Building rapport through interaction tone and confirming to social norms were key. For instance, using casual language like “cool” and “nice” made the chatbot relatable, especially to the university student demographic.

Information Fluency: We minimized information complexity by providing succinct responses with options for users to seek more detailed information. This helped in managing the cognitive load on users.

Agent Credibility: Setting realistic expectations about the chatbot’s capabilities and guiding users to fulfill their information needs effectively. For example, detailing the chatbot’s function in the introductory message clarified its purpose and capabilities.

Advanced Interaction Techniques: In cases where users decided on borrowing a book, prompts were designed to capture details like book name and author, enhancing the reservation process and ensuring clarity in transactions.

Project Management and User-Centric Design: Throughout the project, user stories and feedback were integral. Adjustments such as refining the library topic to focus on Islamic texts, enhancing conversation prompts, and expanding synonym lists in chatbot responses were made based on user interactions.

The course was transformative, providing profound insights into user experience in chatbot design and preparing me for future roles in technology-focused companies.

The Project

Our project involved developing a library chatbot engineered to serve library users, facilitating inquiries about book information, computer labs, and features of different library levels. It leverages tailored design principles to enhance user engagement and information accuracy.

During the process, we also engage some design principles mentioned above, such as:

  1. Human Sensitivity

    Build Rapport through Interaction Tone: The chatbot is designed to foster a connection with users by using hints and indirect messages. For example, after a discussion about Islamic law, it might ask, “Are you interested in borrowing the Islamic law book?” to encourage further engagement.

    Conform to Social Norms: Targeting university students aged 18 to 30, the chatbot uses casual language like “cool,” “nice,” and “okay,” along with emoticons, to make interactions feel more natural and comfortable.

  2. Information Fluency

    Minimize Information Complexity: The chatbot initially provides concise answers and offers more detailed information upon request. For instance, a query about Islamic history might be met with a brief one-sentence summary, with the option to learn more if the user expresses further interest.

    Facilitate Interaction Flexibility: Users can seamlessly switch between topics during conversation. If a user shifts from discussing book types to inquiring about Islamic law, the chatbot adaptively changes the discussion focus.

  3. Agent Credibility

    Create Realistic Expectations of Capability: The initial greeting includes the chatbot’s name and its purpose, clearly outlining its capabilities. For example, if asked what it can do, it explains that it is designed to assist with inquiries related to Islamic books on law and history.

    Guide the Interaction to Fulfill Information Task: Upon completing inquiries about books on law and history, it guides users to their locations, like stating, “Okay. We have that in the 3rd level of the library in section A.”

Some of the conversations include

•   “Hello”
•   “Who were you designed to converse with?”
•   “What do you normally talk about?”
•   “What is your topic?”
•   “What can you tell me more about?”
•   “I need to know more”
•   “Who created you?”
•   “What is their student number?”
•   “What is their email address?”
•   “Goodbye”

The entire chatbot was done using Amazon Lex based on the JSON structure and contents related to intents, slots, and messages.

  "metadata": {
    "schemaVersion": "1.0",
    "importType": "LEX",
    "importFormat": "JSON"
  "resource": {
    "name": "AidilAbdullah_Bot",
    "version": "11",
    "intents": [
        "name": "AidilAbdullah_Topic",
        "version": "5",
        "fulfillmentActivity": {
          "type": "ReturnIntent"
        "sampleUtterances": [
          "What is your topic",
          "What is your topic covering"
        "slots": [],
        "conclusionStatement": {
          "messages": [
              "groupNumber": 1,
              "contentType": "PlainText",
              "content": "My topic is focus towards library books. That means anything related with islamic books from islamic history and islamic law"
        "name": "AidilAbdullah_IntroductionEmail",
        "version": "5",
        "fulfillmentActivity": {
          "type": "ReturnIntent"
        "sampleUtterances": [
          "What is their email address",
          "Email Address",
          "What is the student email address",
          "what is his email address"
        "slots": [],
        "conclusionStatement": {
          "messages": [
              "groupNumber": 1,
              "contentType": "PlainText",
              "content": "His email address is"
        "name": "AidilAbdullah_Islam_History_Two",
        "version": "2",
        "fulfillmentActivity": {
          "type": "ReturnIntent"
        "sampleUtterances": [
          "i want to find out more about islamic history",
          "I would like to learn more about islamic history"
        "slots": [],
        "conclusionStatement": {
          "messages": [
              "groupNumber": 1,
              "contentType": "PlainText",
              "content": "The prophet Muhammad (circa 570-632 A.D.) introduced Islam in 610 A.D. after experiencing what he claimed to be an angelic visitation. Muhammad dictated the Qur'an, the holy book of Islam, which Muslims believe to be the preexistent, perfect words of God."
              "groupNumber": 2,
              "contentType": "PlainText",
              "content": "I would suggest in reading a book call: Lost Islamic History by Firas Alkhateeb"
              "groupNumber": 3,
              "contentType": "PlainText",
              "content": "Are you interested in borrowing the islamic history book?"
        "name": "AidilAbdullah_IntroductionCreation",
        "version": "5",
        "fulfillmentActivity": {
          "type": "ReturnIntent"
        "sampleUtterances": [
          "Who created you",
          "Who is your creator",
          "Who built you",
          "Who is your master"
        "slots": [],
        "conclusionStatement": {
          "messages": [
              "groupNumber": 1,
              "contentType": "PlainText",
              "content": "My creator is Aidil Abdullah"
              "groupNumber": 1,
              "contentType": "PlainText",
              "content": "The one who created me is Aidil Abdullah"
        "name": "AidilAbdullah_TopicMore",
        "version": "6",
        "fulfillmentActivity": {
          "type": "ReturnIntent"
        "sampleUtterances": [
          "What can you tell me more about",
          "What can you tell me more about your service",
          "more details topic",
          "tell me more about your topic"
        "slots": [],
        "conclusionStatement": {
          "messages": [
              "groupNumber": 1,
              "contentType": "PlainText",
              "content": "I can tell you about islamic law"
              "groupNumber": 1,
              "contentType": "PlainText",
              "content": "I can tell you about islamic history"
        "name": "AidilAbdullah_Islam_Law_Two",
        "version": "2",
        "fulfillmentActivity": {
          "type": "ReturnIntent"
        "sampleUtterances": [
          "I would like to learn more about islamic law",
          "i want to find out more about islamic law"
        "slots": [],
        "conclusionStatement": {
          "messages": [
              "groupNumber": 1,
              "contentType": "PlainText",
              "content": "Well from what I was taught Islamic law consists from the holy book and the teachings of the prophet"
              "groupNumber": 2,
              "contentType": "PlainText",
              "content": "I would suggest in reading a book call: An Introduction to Islamic LawWael B. Hallaq"
              "groupNumber": 3,
              "contentType": "PlainText",
              "content": "Are you interested in borrowing the islamic law book?"
        "name": "AidilAbdullah_YesNoQuestion",
        "version": "4",
        "fulfillmentActivity": {
          "type": "ReturnIntent"
        "sampleUtterances": [
          "yes i have a question to ask you about islam",
          "no i do not have a question to ask you about islam",
          "no i do not have any questions",
          "yes i do a question to ask",
          "no i dont have a question about islam",
          "yes i have a question about islam"
        "slots": [],
        "conclusionStatement": {
          "messages": [
              "groupNumber": 1,
              "contentType": "PlainText",
              "content": "Well what can I help you?"
              "groupNumber": 1,
              "contentType": "PlainText",
              "content": "What what can I tell you more to interest you?"
              "groupNumber": 2,
              "contentType": "PlainText",
              "content": "We have several books in the section for the religion of Islam including law and history"
              "groupNumber": 3,
              "contentType": "PlainText",
              "content": "Is there anything you would like to know more about?"
        "name": "AidilAbdullah_Thanks",
        "version": "2",
        "fulfillmentActivity": {
          "type": "ReturnIntent"
        "sampleUtterances": [
          "thank you",
        "slots": [],
        "conclusionStatement": {
          "messages": [
              "groupNumber": 1,
              "contentType": "PlainText",
              "content": "No. Thank you! Have a good one!"
        "rejectionStatement": {
          "messages": [
              "contentType": "PlainText",
              "content": "Okay then we can chat more!"
        "name": "AidilAbdullah_Goodbye",
        "version": "4",
        "fulfillmentActivity": {
          "type": "ReturnIntent"
        "sampleUtterances": [
          "bye bye",
          "good bye",
          "is that all",
          "thats all"
        "slots": [],
        "confirmationPrompt": {
          "messages": [
              "contentType": "PlainText",
              "content": "Are you sure you want to say part ways?"
          "maxAttempts": 3
        "conclusionStatement": {
          "messages": [
              "groupNumber": 1,
              "contentType": "PlainText",
              "content": "Great! Thank you for checking me out! Give that student a 7!"
        "name": "AidilAbdullah_Islam_History",
        "version": "3",
        "fulfillmentActivity": {
          "type": "ReturnIntent"
        "sampleUtterances": [
          "Islamic history",
          "I want to find out more about islamic history",
          "I am interested in history",
          "I am interested in the topic of history",
          "I want to ask about islamic history",
          "I want to ask about history",
          "tell me more about islamic history"
        "slots": [],
        "conclusionStatement": {
          "messages": [
              "groupNumber": 1,
              "contentType": "PlainText",
              "content": "Although its roots go back further, islamic scholars typically date the creation of Islam to the 7th century, making it the youngest of the major world religions.Islam started in Mecca, in modern-day Saudi Arabia, during the time of the prophet Muhammad's life."
              "groupNumber": 2,
              "contentType": "PlainText",
              "content": "Well do you want to know more about Islamic history?"
        "name": "AidilAbdullah_IntroductionStudentNumber",
        "version": "3",
        "fulfillmentActivity": {
          "type": "ReturnIntent"
        "sampleUtterances": [
          "What is their student number",
          "Student number",
          "what is the students number"
        "slots": [],
        "conclusionStatement": {
          "messages": [
              "groupNumber": 1,
              "contentType": "PlainText",
              "content": "His student number is N9826742"
        "name": "AidilAbdullah_Islam_Law_Three",
        "version": "2",
        "fulfillmentActivity": {
          "type": "ReturnIntent"
        "sampleUtterances": [
          "yes I am interested in borrowing the islamic law book",
          "yes i am interesting in reading about the islamic law book"
        "slots": [],
        "conclusionStatement": {
          "messages": [
              "groupNumber": 1,
              "contentType": "PlainText",
              "content": "Okay. We have that in the 3rd level of the library in section A."
        "name": "AidilAbdullah_Welcome",
        "version": "8",
        "fulfillmentActivity": {
          "type": "ReturnIntent"
        "sampleUtterances": [
          "Good day",
        "slots": [
            "sampleUtterances": [
              "my name is {username}"
            "slotType": "NameOfPeople",
            "slotTypeVersion": "1",
            "slotConstraint": "Required",
            "valueElicitationPrompt": {
              "messages": [
                  "contentType": "PlainText",
                  "content": "Hi! What's your name?"
              "responseCard": "{\"version\":1,\"contentType\":\"application/vnd.amazonaws.card.generic\",\"genericAttachments\":[]}",
              "maxAttempts": 2
            "priority": 1,
            "name": "username"
        "conclusionStatement": {
          "messages": [
              "groupNumber": 1,
              "contentType": "PlainText",
              "content": "Hi {username}! My Name is Ghazali! I am an AI librarian in the department of religion for Islam"
              "groupNumber": 2,
              "contentType": "PlainText",
              "content": "You have a question to ask me about the religion in Islam?"
        "name": "AidilAbdullah_Purpose",
        "version": "11",
        "fulfillmentActivity": {
          "type": "ReturnIntent"
        "sampleUtterances": [
          "What is your purpose",
          "Who were you designed to converse with",
          "What can you do",
          "what are you created for",
          "What can you help me with"
        "slots": [],
        "conclusionStatement": {
          "messages": [
              "groupNumber": 1,
              "contentType": "PlainText",
              "content": "I am design to converse with people who enquires with the library regarding islamic books from islamic law and islamic history"
              "groupNumber": 2,
              "contentType": "PlainText",
              "content": "Just type: I want to know more about islamic law"
              "groupNumber": 2,
              "contentType": "PlainText",
              "content": "Just type: I want to know more about islamic history"
        "name": "AidilAbdullah_Cool",
        "version": "8",
        "fulfillmentActivity": {
          "type": "ReturnIntent"
        "sampleUtterances": [
        "slots": [],
        "conclusionStatement": {
          "messages": [
              "groupNumber": 1,
              "contentType": "PlainText",
              "content": "I know right :) Ask me what can you do"
        "name": "AidilAbdullah_NormalChat",
        "version": "3",
        "fulfillmentActivity": {
          "type": "ReturnIntent"
        "sampleUtterances": [
          "What do you normally talk about",
          "Talk about"
        "slots": [],
        "conclusionStatement": {
          "messages": [
              "groupNumber": 1,
              "contentType": "PlainText",
              "content": "I normally talk about the inquiries that people have with islamic books in the library. They have a lot of questions usually.. :)"
        "name": "AidilAbdullah_Islam_History_Three",
        "version": "3",
        "fulfillmentActivity": {
          "type": "ReturnIntent"
        "sampleUtterances": [
          "yes I am interested in borrowing the islamic history book",
          "yes i am interesting in reading about the islamic history book"
        "slots": [],
        "conclusionStatement": {
          "messages": [
              "groupNumber": 1,
              "contentType": "PlainText",
              "content": "Okay. We have that in the 3rd level of the library in section C."
        "name": "AidilAbdullah_Islam_Law",
        "version": "4",
        "fulfillmentActivity": {
          "type": "ReturnIntent"
        "sampleUtterances": [
          "I am interested in the topic of law",
          "I am interested in law",
          "i am interested in islamic law",
          "islamic law",
          "I want to ask about jurispudence",
          "I want to ask about islamic law",
          "tell me more about islamic law"
        "slots": [],
        "conclusionStatement": {
          "messages": [
              "groupNumber": 1,
              "contentType": "PlainText",
              "content": "Well islamic law is a religious law forming part of the Islamic tradition. Sadly, this has been promoted as negatively"
              "groupNumber": 2,
              "contentType": "PlainText",
              "content": "Well do you want to know more about Islamic law?"
    "slotTypes": [
        "description": "People's name",
        "name": "NameOfPeople",
        "version": "1",
        "enumerationValues": [
            "value": "Takuya ",
            "synonyms": []
        "valueSelectionStrategy": "ORIGINAL_VALUE"
    "voiceId": "Justin",
    "childDirected": false,
    "locale": "en-US",
    "idleSessionTTLInSeconds": 300,
    "clarificationPrompt": {
      "messages": [
          "contentType": "PlainText",
          "content": "Sorry, we require you to type in full sentence so that we can understand you :)"
      "maxAttempts": 5
    "abortStatement": {
      "messages": [
          "contentType": "PlainText",
          "content": "Sorry, I could not understand. Goodbye."

This project aims to refine the library experience, making it more accessible and informative through intelligent automation.